WE aim to support projects that make a difference to life in the mainly rural communities where we operate. We are keen to support community and voluntary organisations that are charitable, educational or benevolent in purpose. You do not have to be a registered charity, but you do have to be able to demonstrate the need, real community benefits, and value for money.

We welcome applications from organisations that involve:

• A BROAD SPAN OF THE COMMUNITY – demonstrating support for a wide cross-section of people

• CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE – especially projects focused on improving access to activities and services, and where young people play a key role in the decision-making

• VULNERABLE PEOPLE – especially projects involving increased access to services and facilities for people with disabilities, the homeless and the elderly

• COMMUNITY REGENERATION – projects that improve health and education, reduce crime levels, regenerate employment, housing and the physical environment

– community-based groups that deliver basic services

• ENVIRONMENTAL AND WILDLIFE PROJECTS – especially those involving improvements to communal land

• EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT – group and community-based programmes, particularly for those who have had no previous access to training opportunities

• HEALTH – projects providing access to services that aim to improve the health and well-being of communities

• HERITAGE – projects that celebrate and protect local heritage

• SUSTAINABILITY – projects that promote sustainable development
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